The story behind why I am called the Foul-Mouth Pastor…
First of all yes I know what it says in the bible about language, so first know this is not an accident!I am an alcoholic who got saved late in life, after getting sober. My sobriety an recovery is a whole other testimony but suffice it to say I drank myself to death by the age of 30 and after surrendering to a God I didn’t believe in for what I called a one year God experiment from a hospital bed in Missoula MT. while listening to a doctor tell my mom to prepare to burry me because I had a pulmonary embolism, chronic pancreatitis and was now showing up in the hospital near death every couple weeks over the course of about two years. I prayed “God, I don’t know if you are real but if you’re not I’m going to die”.
I went to treatment in Selah WA, they asked me to stay in Yakima and move into a clean and sober house because if I didn’t, they knew I would drink again and die. So, after making the one-year God experiment commitment to myself and a God that I didn’t think I believed in I agreed to stay. Friends brought me to church with them early on in my transition to Yakima. Upon walking into this church, full of anxiety as I had spent very little time in churches up to this point in my life and had a ton of resentments and prejudice toward Christianity and Christians
After what seemed like forever in tension that was physically uncomfortable and palpable he said; “and what’s worse is that more of you are concerned with the fact that I said shit in church than the fact that in that 30 seconds I just paused another precious sole, a child of God has died”! He went on to show the hypocrisy and fake self-righteousness of many Christians. I was like wow, I’m not even a Christian and even I was more offended about shit than the child. “Ok pastor, you got me I remember saying, I’ll be back next week. That was in April of 2009, I’ve attended that church every Sunday that I could since, I was baptized in October, I became a member of the worship team, I became a council member, and am now a licensed Pastor in the same denomination.
I was saved because a Pastor had the courage to swear on stage to grab the attention of a wretch like me! I am so eternally grateful! He wasn’t there to preach to the saved, he was there to reach those far from God.
The FMP is here to tell it as it is. No soft around the edges polite Christianity, but blood and guts deep. I want to be a thorn in the side of modern western Christianity asking them to look more like the New Testament. I want to reach those who would never set foot in a church, those who feel unworthy or too far gone for God. Those who have been turned away by Christians who don’t act very much like Jesus. Those are my people and I’m coming for every last one of them every last soul!
Foul Mouth Pastor