Rise up is a movement that is all about driving darkness out with the light of Jesus Christ.

You see I believe that Christ died for us all I believe that we were never meant to know the difference between good and evil. Good and bad sure but not good and evil like a Fish doesn’t think it’s being an asshole when it eats the fly off the water. In fact the fly doesn’t think the fish is being an asshole either, it doesn’t want to get eatin’ don’t get me wrong but the fish doesn’t think “hmm I knew it this punk as fish has always had it out for me” and the stories we tell ourselves to solve for our case.

Rise Up The Church

The truth is we were never designed to know the difference between good and evil but then a thing happened in the garden whereby a mistake was made. That’s why we are no good at making judgements, we weren’t supposed to know how. I am here to tell everyone if you are judging other people you are in the wrong seat.

Jesus came to Save all and that means all period. And as his people we need to rise up and realize that we are to love and serve our father in heaven and love and serve our neighbor as thy self! That’s it. This polarization and politisization of Christianity is bull shit, its evil, it needs to stop, we are here to bring the body together just like when the bloods and the crips came together in the early 90’s what they called the “Watts truce” in 1992, a peace agreement among rival street gangs in Los Angeles, CA, declared in the neighborhood of Watts. The Truce was not altogether universally adhered to of course but had a lot to do with the decline in street violence bloodshed and innocent bystander causalities between the 90’s and 2010’s. What I am proposing is a rise up of the Body of Christ, not F’d up fundamentalists, trying to control everybody no the Body of Christ needs to rise up and say enough is enough. I am going to be neither Republican nor Democrat, not progressive or conservative or libertarian or otherwise until this divisive hatred is exposed for the treachery, sham, rickshaw roadshow, smoke and mirror snake oil, game that that it is
Then we can see that look 90% of the worlds wealth is controlled by 2 % of the population. And they use that 90% to do two really important things; 1.) manipulate legislation, language and politics so they can keep the 90%. 2.) Use their wealth to run really efficient machines of derision and divisiveness with billion dollar media news, ad and entertainment companies and by buying the democratic process by sponsoring everyone of the elected officials so that they can keep us divided, fighting even hating and killing each other over pretend and overstated righteousness and morality when what we’re doing is just playing into the devils hand and fighting each other with all we’ve got over the 10% scraps left on the floor while 90% of the worlds resources are hoarded away from the widows and the orphans So if you think Donald Trump is the Great White Hope or the Devil himself you are right. That’s exactly what they want you to do, and you know what, the only power the devil has on this earth is the power we give him. He has none of his own, but when we play into his hands why we give him a lot of power.